For information about this event or future events email us at: [email protected]
Thank you to all of our shooters, sponsors and those businesses that contributed made this years 6th Annual shoot a success. The Alamo Chapter 1st Marine Division Association has been hosting the Sporting Clay Shoot Fundraiser on Memorial Day weekend at the National Shooting Complex. The purpose of our event helps support National and San Antonio area local educational scholarship. Among these is the First Marine Division Association Scholarship Fund, Alamo Detachment 315 Marine Corps League Scholarship program, and the area Young Marine Programs. The Alamo Chapter FMD Association also gives support to the Marine Wounded Warriors and the Center for the Intrepid at San Antonio Military Medical Center (SAMMC). The Alamo Chapter FMD Association, and it's affiliated Chapters, are a non-profit, 501 (c) (19) veteran's services organization.